I HATE (with all caps) laundry. I really do. It NEVER ends. Some weeks, I try to knock it all out in one day, then enjoy freedom for about one day, and then it piles up again. Other weeks, I just vow to throw in a load everyday, which leads to a never ending cycle. I will never beat it. It will always win. I give up.
In something near a miracle, I just had a FOUR day break from it. Why you ask? Did I forbid myself from entering the laundry room (hard to do since it leads to the garage)? Did I decide I needed to relax and stop cleaning all the time? Did I assign my husband laundry duty? NO!
My fancy smancy, six-month old, front-load washing machine DIED. Of ALL weeks for this to happen?! Kate was sick this week and I have blankets with throw-up on them that need to be washed! UGH! Gross!
The nice man from GE came out and took it apart, only to tell me that I need a whole new electrical system. Yey. Fun. How long does that take, I asked? About 3 days to get the parts. 3 DAYS?!?!? He actually said back... "I know, I understand." I don't think he really does. The Stoegbauer laundromat can't be closed for 3 days. The smell will permeate the house and ruin my life!
Oh well, 3 days later (today) he showed up and made miracles happen! Lucky me, I mentioned that the top panel had gotten scratched some how and he got me a new one! (made my day! I know, I'm weird like that) Thanks, Rodg!
I never thought I'd ever be SO happy to do laundry again. Let the fun begin! If you need me for anything, you'll find me in my laundry room for the next 72 hours. Will someone bring me a snack while I'm trapped in there?
PS. If you ever buy a front load washer, go with the Whirlpool Duet (left behind at our last house...sob :(. This one is a GE and I HATE it.