Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No-Sew Summer Handbag

Okay, so I'm excited that the weather is finally cooling off, but can we make this project next year when it's time for summer fun again?!? Straight from MarthaStewart.com, I received this in my inbox as the "Craft of the Day" and saved it for a possible diva event. She calls it the "No Sew Summer Handbag" and I think it's fabulous. Do you love it, or is it just me?

Domestic Divas Online!

Hi Divas! I figured it was about time for us to get online and start blogging! We can all add photos and articles to share with each other and whomever else cares! So go for it.....start blogging! (Maybe we need a divas event to explain how to do this?!?) It's super fun. Just ask Tina...she's got her personal one going now and it's great (Click Here) And of course, I know you all subscribe to my real estate blog (Click Here). Happy Blogging! Love, Kimmi